i threw up in the tearters i was watching mirrors :(
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Lol, You need to play Bioshock. It's much worse it is!!!!!!!! its worse LOL :D
i was watching mirrors right then when i seen this scary part i got a head egg then when i saw the blood part i went like BARF !
LOL BARF! then i had to go with my bro to watch ghost town then i fell asleep then we had to go home lol i hate the part when i went BARF !
i botherd XP me!!!!!!!!!
there is even a new member in the clan so cALLED atisuki im in it im in angel i dont be mean i wont be mean ever again well only in newgrounds LOL
its scary i tell you SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its scarede the living heck outta me scary i tell you SCARY AS HECK SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hope youll like tgis pic its me LOL
dont watch the movie i reapet DONT WATCH MIRRORS IF YOUR UNDER 17 im 10 and i watched it wat was i tinking i bet a 17 year old will get scared too XP ima do this onew more time BARF !
lol LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!