Saying that on Newgrounds is like asking for a flame wars.
Band music
West side middle school
Joined on 7/1/08
Saying that on Newgrounds is like asking for a flame wars.
tell her u luv her
hell no
why not
she will kik my ass
shes ur gf. why would she do that.
when my bf told me that he luved me i said i luved him back...i dident kick his ass
shes not my girl frend
but i thought u said u had a gf
i said im in love
yea but on ur last post u said u had a gf. cuz people were callin u a girl and u told me that u had a gf.
no i did not i said im looking for 1
ooohhh so that explains post number 19! man i am dumb...
ok well have u even tlked to her yet? like is she ur friend or somthin?
kuttie all she does is kiks my ass and gets mad at me cause she has alot of anger
then why the fuck would u luv a girl like that!
i dont like her any more last time i did
wtf r u tlkin about!? u just said ur in luv with her...wat in a whole two seconds u changed ur mind...
no it was before i liked her now ur geting pist wat the HELL U WANT FROM ME:(
ok so u dont like her anymore?
just askin...dont get mad
i hate her guts
ok, so why did u make a post sayin u luved her?
before but i remember i hate her im gonna make a new post
ahhhhh ok.....
just tell her how you feel I'm sure she'll understand azzo ^-^ lol how cute azzo's in love =^.^=
so ur in luv wit ur gf? isint every guy?...
wat do i say