Band music
West side middle school
Joined on 7/1/08
Im just ten times better then you all
i thout i tould u to stay out
fuck you..hopleess motherfucker+noob.
ass hole
omgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg would u just screw someone elses chat room
hehe i'l screw ur ass instead how would u like that
im gonna ban u right now bitch so stay out hahaha
you mean screw your fucking level 2 ass fucking bitchy mother......go fuck that bitch and suck those tits.you fuckhead.........
im gonna ban u fuker
you suck....you are a pathetic dog and i juz wannna kick your ass and fuck your mother...imagine your old hag getting the pleasure.........so fuck you and this post..and fuck off NG you motherfucking donkey..........
ladies first u fuk off new grounds
you can block users from posting on your page
I feel ya man! They're all a bunch of lace curtains
just ban him
have u ever thought of that
i banded him right now
I too hate evil marsh mellow
your right
fuck you ..gay fag..come on block me you dumbass..fuck you and your bitchy mother and you r one fucken motherfucker.......noobass.
just ban him from commenting that's what I think I'll do unless I want some more of his damn comment's to show to the people who created the site
i bannded him
lmao stfu gaytards Evil-marshmallow is ur king
no hes a fag
ok goldenapple I have one thing to say...you and your pedophile friend's eave this kid alone or I swear I'll find a way to get your ass's banned from newgrounds
thanks plus im only 10 years old
Yep.... He pretty much makes everybody mad. Just ignore it.
ok so stop talking to him/her
yes he is very anoyinng he had like a really nasty chat room thing going on in my account...
hes a fag